Computer Science is a study of precisely defined problem-solving strategies, often called, Algorithms. The field encompasses a variety of topics, some of which overlap with the disciplines of mathematics, linguistics, and logic. Since the main application of algorithms is in the design of computer software, this discipline has become known as “Computer Science”.
The Department of Computer Science was established to meet the demand for well-qualified computer professionals and was conceived in the year 2017. The Department offers a 3-year degree program in Computer Science. The program focuses on theoretical computer science as well as software and application development. Department has well qualified and vibrant faculty dedicated for the betterment of the students. The department has provided a well-equipped computer lab with latest computer software. The Laboratories are installed with broadband internet connectivity. The annual intake of the department is 50 students. The department ensures that program objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored through periodical test, assignment and seminar.
The Department of Computer Science’s vision is to develop student community, technically and morally by providing quality education. To bring innovation in every computer-oriented activity they perform to prove their versatility.
The mission of the Computer Science Department is to provide competitive learning and exploring to a diverse discipline of education.
It is committed to improve analyzing, problem solving capabilities through outstanding practice and education. It is aimed to educate the student community to serve all sectors of society. We hold up this mission through sharing of ideas in an ethical, interdependent, and diverse community of sources.