The Leadership Council is a league of leaders who will be working along with the management in the holistic development of the student community. The Leadership Council will be a recognized and an engaged body that enhance students’ experience and expectations leading to personal success.

Role of Leadership Council
- The Leadership Council will be active in decision making in institutional reforms.
- Leadership Council will take part in institutional strategic planning and also in the department level
- The Leadership Council will be the source of support for all students in the institution. They will also be the point of collecting student feedback and grievances.
- The Leadership Council will maintain a transparent process and system internally so that the student body will be aware of any institutional reforms and also will know the status of their complaint/feedback/query.
- The Leadership Council will reach out to the society/community for intra and inter development of the institution and the student community
- The Leadership Council’s vital role will be in maintaining the quality of the deliverables produced and ensure effectiveness maintained at high levels.
- The Leadership Council will maintain inclusivity, enhance student life and institutional development.
I. Executive Board
Executive Board provides leadership and guidance to the council. The Executive Board consists of President (Final Year), Vice President (II Year), Secretary (I Year). The roles and responsibilities are described below
President represents the undergraduate student body both within the College and beyond.
- The President is charged with developing the annual plan for J.N.N.C.A.S. Leadership Council and leading its operations.
- As president of the student body, she serves as the primary liaison between students and J.N.N.C.A.S.’s administration.
- Liaisons with J.N.N.I.E, J.N.N.M.H.S, J.N.N.V.I.D & K.J.N.E.C as and when required
- Leads innovative initiatives in the campus
- Serves as a spokesperson for J.N.N.C.A.S. LC
- Calls and Presides over meetings of the LC
- Assists all executive officers,
- Provides follow‐up to organizational tasks
- Submits the Annual LC report
- Liaison with other colleges – national and international
- The Vice President also leads the Senate of Chief Officers and meets with key college officials.
- She is responsible for formation of LC every year.
- Liaisons with J.N.N.I.E, J.N.N.M.H.S, J.N.N.V.I.D & K.J.N.E.C as and when required.
- The annual inauguration, overall functioning and annual valedictory.
- Additionally, she serves as the primary responsible person of the Academics, Student Life, Student services and Student Ambassador.
Vice President
- Obtains appropriate facilities for organization activities.
- Keeps a record of all members of the LC.
- Keeps a record of all activities of the LC.
- Prepares organization’s calendar of events.
- Serve as the organization’s recognition and appreciation coordinator.
- Liaisons with J.N.N.I.E, J.N.N.M.H.S, J.N.N.V.I.D & K.J.N.E.C as and when required
- Maintains records, storage, and office of all activities managed/ supported by LC.
- Prepares and files any report required – semester and annual.
Skills and Attributes required for Executive Board
- Good interpersonal & communication skills including speaking to large audience.
- A team player, prepared to listen and understand.
- Ability to deliver the leadership council experience and actively engage with fellow students to understand the needs of the current student.
- Ability and confidence to express other students’ opinions.
- Demonstrated leadership, and organizational skills, with the ability to manage details of multiple and complex projects within firm schedules, set priorities that accurately reflect the relative importance of activities, and effectively carry out LC goals in a manner that enhances the image of the Institution.
- Excellent communication skills sufficient to express ideas and agreements concisely and persuasively, both orally and in writing, to a variety of constituencies.
- Ability to work independently with minimal supervision.
- No record of disciplinary action.
II. Senate of Chief
Chief of Academic Affairs: She will lead to investigate, propose, oversee, and advocate for improved academic practices on campus. The committee will effectively plan and address pertinent issues that arise within the student body pertaining to the classroom teaching-learning, workshops, guest talks, assessments, attendance, academic study visits, student feedback, class committee meetings, class discipline etc. A team of officers with specific responsibilities will report to the Chief of Academic Affairs.
Chief of Student Life: Is responsible for the physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of the students of J.N.N.C.A.S. She is responsible for planning, smooth functioning and reporting of all the Forums, Clubs, Sports, Discipline, student support systems (mentoring, wellness centres, values) and careers. A team of officers with specific responsibilities will report to the Chief of Academic Affairs.
Chief of Student Services: Is responsible for all the support facilities offered to the students of J.N.N.C.A.S. She will ensure quality, availability and efficiency. She is responsible for all the campus services including transport, hostel, stores, facilities, IT etc. A team of officers with specific responsibilities will report to the Chief of Student Services.
III. Officers
Department Secretary
- Develop and implement year plan of all departmental activities
- Student engagement and welfare initiatives of the department
- Plan and manage the department events
- Support in student selection/ admission process
- Monitor Students discipline
- Feedback and suggestions on the matters of the department
- Meetings with Head of the department for suggestions/ issues to be resolved
- Work with other department secretaries for bringing interdisciplinary approach
- Engage in department level projects
- Representing the department in internal/ external events
- Liaison with J.N.N.I.E, J.N.N.M.H.S, J.N.N.V.I.D & K.J.N.E.C as and when required
- Coordinating the external events, where dept students may be participating
- Promotion of all events – invite, FB updates, write up of event
- Inter/ intra collegiate event coordination
- Suggesting innovative/ best practices in the department
- Submission of Monthly, semester and Annual report of the department
Class Representatives
- Supporting the faculty in academic activities
- Feedback on course progression and learning effectiveness
- Organizing class committee meetings and recording the minutes
- Organizing the end of semester feedback
- Monitoring the discipline of the class
- Providing academic support to students who may require additional help
- Maintaining and safe keeping of the classroom properties
- Coordinating the external events
- Suggesting innovative/ best practices in the class
- Submission of monthly, semester report of the class
Officer – Forums / Sports / Clubs / NSS / NCC / YRC / RRC
- Appointed members should be users of the service (Hostel, Transport)
- Study the needs of the students and represent J.N.N.C.A.S.’s requirements
- Conduct satisfaction surveys every semester and submit report
- Suggest ways for efficient operations
- Suggest innovations in the services offered.
- Liaison with J.N.N.I.E, J.N.N.M.H.S, J.N.N.V.I.D & K.J.N.E.C as and when required as the services are shared campus wide
- Represent J.N.N.C.A.S. in the campus meetings
Officer – Media
- Drafting press release, photos of all events
- Photos cataloguing
- Social Media management – FB, LinkedIn, Instagram
Officer – Community Engagement
- Lead all community engagement activities through the class representatives
- Initiate, lead, implement projects as per the vision of the Institution
- Suggest, implement innovative ideas to impact the community
- Seek national, international opportunities for community engagement
IV. Period of Office & Selection
Period of Office
The maximum period for all positions is one year. If any disciplinary issues arise for any LC member, they will be removed from their office.
Member Selection

The candidates shall apply for a position based on competency and interest. Neatly printed nomination form (Annexure) and detailed resume (typed and printed) / Portfolio are to be submitted to J.N.N.C.A.S. office.
At the time of the final selection, candidates are required to make a power point presentation for 10 minutes about plans for the year – of their office. The plans should be clear and be operational.
The selection will be done by J.N.N.C.A.S. faculty, students and alumni. The selection criteria will include competencies, interest and plans for the future.
V. Leadership Council Meeting Rules
- LC members are required to attend all planned meetings and sessions
- Agenda for the meeting should be mailed one day prior (24 hours) prior to the meeting.
- Expected delay or Absenteeism should be mailed 12 hours prior following the agenda thread to the LC secretary
- Punctuality in LC meetings is mandatory, and the members expected to be on time for the meetings.
- Professionalism in dress code is to be maintained while attending the meetings within the college campus.
- Minimum 80% Attendance is to be maintained for the meetings.
- Events will be accounted in tracker if post-event reports are submitted within two days after the event.
- Absenteeism due to academic purposes will be considered on duty for the meetings and it has to be mailed in prior to the LC group
- In the case of any difficulties in the execution of events, it has to be informed at least two days prior to prevent last-minute chaos
- Criticism is welcomed with solutions.
- Every LC member should update their weekly progress of event activities to the LC Team
- Any event organized by LC follows the RED procedure.
- Recognizing assumptions: getting ideas
- Evaluating arguments: suggestions on ideas, summarizing and getting feedbacks.
- Draw conclusions: decision making
- Confidentiality of Information should be maintained with the circle of LC before official decisions are made.